Internal Jogging
"Laughter is a form of internal jogging. It moves your internal organs around. It enhances respiration. It is an igniter of great expectations."
Norman Cousins
We interact with hundreds of people every day, some family, friends, or co-workers but most just fleeting faces in a crowd or screen names in the virtual sphere.
In a world this "connected", how come many experience a deep sense of loneliness?
Internal Jogging examines what it means to connect with another human being on the most basic level: To laugh together, to work together, to play together, to share a common goal. Interacting with the audience, four performers use dance, juggling and music to create a temporary island of community in our postmodern world.
Internal Jogging was created with the support of the Chasse Theater and Podium Bloos Cultuurfonds with its premiere on 12th January 2020.
Choreography: Ali Clarke
Performers: Sophia Herzog, Noah Schiltknecht, Samantha Montagne, Michael Byrne
Music: Michael Byrne
Co-Production: Chassé Theatre, Breda and Podium Bloos, Breda
Support: Café Theater Festival Utrecht, Gemeente Breda, Makershuis Tilburg
Acievements: Chassé Theater and Podium Bloos Cultuur Award 2019